Email frequency plays a big role in the success of your email marketing program. It’s no secret that sending too many emails can cause subscribers to lose interest, mark you as spam, or unsubscribe altogether. However, there’s also the risk of not sending enough emails and missing out on revenue opportunities. This is why finding the right balance is so important.
The best way to find the optimal email frequency for your business is through testing and analysis. By segmenting your list and sending at different frequencies to small groups of your audience you can test which tactics work best. By taking a data-driven approach you can find the ideal frequency for your business and improve campaign performance.
A common mistake that marketers make is assuming that higher email send frequencies automatically lead to better results. However, the truth is that this doesn’t always hold true. For example, ReturnPath research shows that as email frequency increases, subscriber complaint rates rise significantly. Additionally, high send frequencies can impact inbox placement and hurt overall campaign performance. So basing your email frequency on averages from other brands can be a dangerous path to take.
Your audience’s expectations and engagement with your brand will play a major role in how often you should email. For example, luxury fashion brands that tempt customers with the idea of exclusivity will not email as frequently as low-budget clothing brands that promote mass appeal. Similarly, ecommerce retailers that focus on business customers will not be as aggressive with their emailing as consumer retail brands.
The timing of your campaigns will also impact how frequent you should be. For example, during the November to December holiday season many retailers increase their email frequency to capitalise on heightened interest in their products. This may mean that they send two or three times as many emails per day than they normally do.
While this can be a great strategy to generate short-term sales it can backfire in the long term. Too many promotional emails can cause subscribers to unsubscribe, mark you as spam, or even report you for sending unsolicited messages. The best way to avoid this is by being thoughtful about your timing and ensuring that your emails are relevant and engaging.
It’s also a good idea to give your subscribers the ability to control their own frequency preferences through a profile or communications preference center. This lets them set the frequency at which they would like to receive your emails and demonstrates that you respect their needs and wishes. It also helps to manage subscriber expectations so that they don’t get overwhelmed with too many promotions.
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Onelson Nelzy earned his college degree in Business Administration and Management and began working for Citibank.
Shortly after, Onelson started a successful company trading the E-minis S&P, Nasdaq, and Dow markets.
Being very successful, Onelson diversified and entered the Real Estate market, purchasing, rehabbing, renting, and selling several properties.
Furthermore, Onelson Nelzy has experience in online marketing and affiliate programs, and a strong marketing background.
His passion has always been to create multiple streams of income using various business vehicles and investments.
He loves to help others and give advice. In the past Onelson has helped several hundreds of people make money online using affiliate and internet marketing opportunities.
WINSZAR CORPORATION / Email Video Marketing
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